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Data indicate that the Inspire device reduces sleep apnea by an average of 79% and significantly reduces snoring and daytime sleepiness. In addition to daytime tiredness and irritability, people with sleep apnea are at higher risk for stroke, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and liver problems.

If a person is eligible for an oral appliance, it’s important to consult a qualified sleep dentist for a professional fitting and to help source an appliance customized for one’s individual needs, adds Dr. Postol.

The gold standard treatment for sleep apnea is the CPAP machine. However, CPAP doesn't work for everyone. It can be uncomfortable, and the machine requires maintenance. With only the remote to keep track of, Inspire sleep apnea treatment is much more convenient than the CPAP machine.

There are many surgical procedures used to treat OSA. The type of surgery a person undergoes depends on multiple factors, including their anatomy and both the site and underlying cause of their airway obstructions.

Maxillomandibular advancement is a surgery that pushes the jaw and other tissues forward. This procedure tightens the inner walls of the throat to reduce the risk of airway collapse.

Guidelines for our testing methodology are as follows: Every member of our team brings years of industry experience and knowledge to our hands-on evaluations. In addition to testing products, we’ve spoken to sleep experts and toured manufacturing sites.

Exercises that strengthen throat muscles are also shown to help improve sleep apnea to some degree, according to David Rosen, M.D., a sleep FDA approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment medicine physician and CEO of Renuma, a digital health platform designed to deliver sleep apnea treatment through telehealth.

Home Remedies and Changes At-home changes can help manage sleep apnea symptoms and may also help people who want to lower their risk of developing sleep apnea.

The University of Kansas Health System continues to be one of the top 5 hospitals in the nation that offers Inspire sleep apnea treatment. Our team collaborates with registered polysomnographic technologists who perform sophisticated sleep studies to help doctors provide the best care.

Using the built-in AutoSet algorithm, the machine adjusts pressure settings to help you comfortably breathe in and out throughout the night.

Some patients are able to receive a little relief by changing their sleep positions. It is suggested that when possible, lay in a position that allows your chin to remain above your torso.

Most CPAP machines represent a significant financial investment, but some are more affordable than others without sacrificing quality or performance. Take the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet Connected with HumidAir and ClimateLineAir, which is loaded with helpful features but still falls well below average in terms of pricing. The machine is particularly inexpensive compared to other APAP devices on the market today.

Based on your unique breathing patterns, the Inspire system delivers mild stimulation to the hypoglossal nerve, which controls the movement of your tongue and other key airway muscles.

Compliance Matters: Many people quit CPAP therapy due to initial discomfort. To get the most out of your treatment, practice wearing your mask and keep your equipment clean.

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